Every family deals with bumps and bruises. Dont want to look at that bruise any longer than you have to? For a gentle, effective, all-natural way to reduce inflammation and break up bruises quickly, Dianna Dapkins, creator of Pure Pro and massage therapist, shares her Arnica Therapeutic Concentrate. Pure Pro Arnica Therapeutic Concentrate is easy to use and is so potent that you only need to rub a few drops into the bruised tissue 2 or 3 times a day. Dianna's handmade, powerful Activated Arnica extract along with essential oils of Clary Sage, Siberian Fir, Bergamot and Lavender work to naturally flush stagnant blood and fluids from the bruise and reduce swelling. (Use only on intact skin. See for other cautions.)
Learn more at Find Pure Pro Arnica Therapeutic Concentrate at . Used in deep tissue massage practices, sports rehab clinics, physical therapy centers, spas, hospitals and elder care facilities worldwide.